Upgrading from v11 to v12.0¶
The steps listed in this article require an existing local installation of InvenioRDM v11.
Always backup your database and files before you try to perform an upgrade.
Older Versions
In case you have an InvenioRDM installation older than v11, you can gradually upgrade to v11 and afterwards continue from here.
Upgrade Steps¶
Make sure you have the latest invenio-cli
installed. For InvenioRDM v12, it
should be v1.5.0+
$ invenio-cli --version
invenio-cli, version 1.5.0
Virtual environments
In case you are not inside a virtual environment, make sure that you prefix each invenio
command with pipenv run
Local development
Changing the Python version in your development environment highly depends on your setup, so we won't cover it here. One way would be to use PyEnv.
Risk of losing data
Your virtual environment folder a.k.a., venv
folder, may contain uploaded files. If you kept the default
location, it is in <venv folder>/var/instance/data
. If you need to keep those files,
make sure you copy them over to the new venv
folder in the same location.
The command invenio files location list
shows the file upload location.
If you upgraded your python version, you should recreate your virtual environment before
running invenio-cli
or pipenv
commands below.
Upgrade InvenioRDM¶
Python 3.9 or 3.11 or 3.12 is required to run InvenioRDM v12.
There are two options to upgrade your system:
Upgrade option 1: In-place¶
This approach upgrades the dependencies in place. Your virtual environment for the v11 version will be gone afterwards.
cd <my-site>
# Upgrade to InvenioRDM v12
invenio-cli packages update 12.0.0
pipenv uninstall flask-babelex
# Re-build assets
invenio-cli assets build
Upgrade option 2: New virtual environment¶
This approach will create a new virtual environment and leaves the v11 one as-is. If you are using a docker image on your production instance this will be the option you choose.
Step 1¶
- create a new virtual environment
- activate your new virtual environment
- install
bypip install invenio-cli
Step 2¶
Update the file <my-site>/Pipfile
---invenio-app-rdm = {extras = [...], version = "~=11.0.0"}
+++invenio-app-rdm = {extras = [...], version = "~=12.0.0"}
Due to changes in Pipenv 2024.0.0, update the following line:
---my-site = {editable="True", path="./site"}
+++my-site = {editable=true, path="./site"}
Step 3¶
Update the Pipfile.lock
invenio-cli packages lock
Step 4¶
Install InvenioRDM v12:
invenio-cli install
Database migration¶
Execute the database migration:
invenio alembic upgrade
Declare usage statistics processing queues¶
invenio queues declare
Data migration¶
Execute the data migration:
invenio shell $(find $(pipenv --venv)/lib/*/site-packages/invenio_app_rdm -name migrate_11_0_to_12_0.py)
Rebuild search indices¶
invenio index destroy --yes-i-know
invenio index init
# if you have records custom fields
invenio rdm-records custom-fields init
# if you have communities custom fields
invenio communities custom-fields init
invenio rdm rebuild-all-indices
In v12, record statistics will be stored in search indices rather than the
database. These indices are created through some index templates machinery
rather than having indices registered directly in Invenio-Search
. As such, the
search indices for statistics are not affected by invenio index destroy
and are totally functional after the rebuild step.
New roles¶
invenio roles create administration-moderation
invenio roles create administration
invenio access allow administration-moderation role administration-moderation
invenio access allow administration-access role administration
invenio access allow superuser-access role administration
Optional Step¶
In order to use the domain feature on /administration
, it is necessary to
carry out the following steps:
invenio domains create organization
invenio domains create company
invenio domains create mailprovider
invenio domains create spammer
New configuration variables¶
THEME_SITENAME = "Project name for header and UI"
Big Changes¶
- remove: dependency of flask-babelex
- add: concept doi (aka parent doi)
- add: statistics. (NOTE: statistic is stored in opensearch/libresearch)
- add: administration panel
- add: set quota
- add: branded communities
- add: share options for drafts and records
- add: built-in optional metadata fields
- change: the default delimiter for the licenses vocabulary file has been
changed from ";" to ",". The default licenses are available
You can now add and update licenses with
pipenv run invenio rdm-records add-to-fixture licenses
- users-user-v2.0.0 vs users-user-v1.0.0 indices
the problem is that user-v1.0.0 does not have the
attribute which is needed in/api/users
. SOLUTION 1:SOLUTION 2:invenio index destroy --yes-i-know invenio index init # if you have records custom fields invenio rdm-records custom-fields init # if you have communities custom fields invenio communities custom-fields init invenio rdm rebuild-all-indices
invenio index delete users-user-v1.0.0-NUMBER --force --yes-i-know invenio index create users-user-v2.0.0-NUMBER -b path/to/invenio_users_resources/records/mappings/os-v2/users/user-v2.0.0.json invenio shell from invenio_search.proxies import current_search_client current_search_client.indices.put_alias("users-user-v2.0.0-NUMBER", "users-user-v2.0.0") current_search_client.indices.put_alias("users-user-v2.0.0-NUMBER", "users") exit invenio rdm rebuild-all-indices -o users