Welcome to the InvenioRDM and to our collaborative, open source community!
Find here important resources for onboarding.
For everyone¶
- Mailing list (self-subscribe): https://lists.e-infra.cz/wws/info/project-inveniordm
- Telecon schedule 2025: Google Calendar
- Chat on Discord: https://discord.com/invite/8qatqBC
- Discussion forum on Discourse: https://invenio-talk.web.cern.ch
- Blog: https://inveniosoftware.org/blog/
- Code of Conduct: https://inveniosoftware.org/governance/#code-of-conduct
- Governance: https://inveniosoftware.org/governance/
- Roadmap: https://inveniosoftware.org/products/rdm/roadmap/
- Feature Requests via GitHub Discussions: https://github.com/inveniosoftware/product-rdm/discussions
- Awesome InvenioRDM, a place to list your instance and customizations: https://inveniosoftware.github.io/awesome-invenio/
For developers¶
The InvenioRDM source code and the technical project management (issues, milestones, etc.) are available on GitHub:
- Invenio organization: https://github.com/inveniosoftware
- Milestones: https://github.com/inveniosoftware/product-rdm/milestones?direction=asc&sort=due_date&state=open
In this documentation website, you can find information and the technical documentation of InvenioRDM.
Current Interest Groups¶
Feel free to join any of these channels if you are interested in these topics:
- Communications and Outreach: https://discord.gg/Una4rZVfWQ
- Documentation: https://discord.gg/c3vjwN8kxD
- Events & Conferences: https://discord.gg/SpAheeagG9
- Telecons: https://discord.gg/vc28P5yTZA
- Research Data Preservation Technologies and Policies: https://discord.gg/7ztjD8St4E